Communications Network Asia’s provides Marketing-related consulting with emphasis on Business Development, Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation, and applying a Synergistic Approach to the marketing & sales disciplines.

Digital Marketing for Service Industries
The purpose of all digital marketing is to improve profitability through quantifiable actions. The professionals at Communications Network Asia apply a systematic and quantifiable approach to reviewing the effectiveness of existing efforts and preparing a roadmap for future activities. As with all assignments, the CNA approach will be one of collaboration, with scheduled reviews and engagement to ensure plans are implemented and adjusted based on the needs and circumstances of the client.
All engagements are unique, but typically begin with a content review of curated platforms – web, and non-paid social media channels like Instagram & Facebook – and past Electronic Direct Marketing (EDM) samples. For hotel and restaurant businesses this also will include TripAdvisor, online travel agencies, and appropriate customer review platforms. The client’s database of actionable contacts is analysed to judge the overall health and compliance to PDPA standards. Loyalty program performance, if applicable, will be reviewed.

Recovery Planning
Every business is adjusting in its own way. Few organisations have the in-house resources they need now more than ever. There is also the issue of perspective. We understand how the urgent and immediate needs can overshadow the important. The team at Communications Network Asia provides solutions for both. Often, this includes assembling a team of subject experts – each prepared to contribute their own expertise.
Typical assignments begin with a financial review, forecast validation & stress testing. The next step is crucial; ensuring all stakeholder agree as to realistic outcomes and the resources available. The team at Communications Network Asia has tools to support the frank, open discussions required in this phase of the engagement.
Depending on the scope of the assignment, the CNA team will then create a detailed and actionable recovery plan, with specific assignments for in-house resources and recommended budgets for outside vendors, such as digital marketing.
Each step of the way, CNA’s group of consultants will be there with regular follow ups sessions and reporting.

Start Up Planning
Every start up needs all the horsepower they can get, unfortunately, that when resources are the most limited. The team at Communications Network Asia provides a cost-effective solution. Often, this includes assembling a team of subject experts so that the fledgling business is only paying for the expertise they need at that particular point.
Assignments begin with forecast validation & stress testing. The next step is the most vital – and usually the most difficult, to ensuring all stakeholder agree as to realistic outcomes.
We understand how tough it is to criticise someone’s dream. That’s why the team at Communications Network Asia employs tools to support those frank, open discussions. Improved group communications and decision-making are natural benefits.
Depending on the scope of the assignment, the CNA team will then create a detailed and actionable recovery plan, with specific assignments for in-house resources and recommended budgets for outside vendors, such as digital marketing. Each step of the way, CNA’s group of consultants will be there with regular follow ups sessions and reporting.

Digital Transformation
The digital transformation journey is like walking to the horizon–
you will never actually get there. That’s why the team at Communications Network Asia begins Digital Transformation engagements with an assessment of your organisation’s current level and appetite. These two values provide the foundation for the roadmap and timeline which are the heart of the project. Depending on the scope of the engagement, a list of recommended vendors will be provided. Communications Network Asia does not receive commissions or benefit of any sort from the suppliers we identify, and we encourage you do your own due diligence before moving forward.
Our recommendations are based on previous work experience.

Speech Writing
Every executive is called upon to provide critical information verbally, but few have the luxury of time required to craft those words themselves. That’s when the team at Communications Network Asia can help, by providing confidential speech writing and editing.
Speech writing is very different from written communications. Pacing becomes more important, as does the careful use of repetition, pauses, and volume. Storytelling, and the use of examples and anecdotes are employed strategically, which the rules of grammar relaxed. Like with sentence fragments. And, of course, there is the need to write using the vocabulary and tone of the speaker.
Many executives refer to delivering a professionally written speech to wearing a tailor-made suite. It fits well, it’s comfortable, and conveys the personality of the wearer. Speech writing assignments can take many forms, including in conjunction with executive speech coaching.

Executive Speech Coaching
For senior executives, the need to deliver effective, clear, and powerful verbal presentations goes beyond just overcoming a fear of public speaking. That’s where Communications Network Asia can help–by providing confidential coaching based on your schedule.
Sessions begin with an assessment of the speaker’s natural speaking style and review of recent speeches – both the written text and recordings. In most cases, a future speech will serve as the case study. The CNA associate will annotate the written speech to draw attention to changes of pace and volume, plus the use of pauses. Rehearsals will be conducted and recorded. Ideally the last rehearsal will be done in the venue or via the digit platform that will be used for the actual speech.
Improvement is usually dramatic, but more important that preparing for a single speech, the executive will develop skills that can be applied to future speeches.

Content Development & Copy Editing
Often, clients identify the need for a greater online presence, especially those that are actively managing their own Digital Transformation. Many have solved their need for image assets – both still photography and video–but struggle with messaging. That’s where the professionals at Communications Network Asia can help.While not a digital agency, CNA staff can provide text content moves photography and video from attractive to communicative, while ensuring a consistent tone of voice and writing style. For those with in-house writing talent, CNA can provide copy editing packages based on a base number of pages per month. This approach encourages clients to screen their written communications beyond just EDMs and press releases to include media responses and speeches by senior managers.